Monday, March 9, 2009


Morning 8am, we going to the campus for our lesson and we have teacher to teach us about the Hubei and Wuhan history on here. The teacher names call Miss Anna Xie and the whole day she teaches us the history for Wuhan and Hubei. After the class end, we go eat lunch and when back to hostel to rest. About 2pm we go back to the campus and start the afternoon lesson. We do the report on the teacher Miss Anna Xie tell us the history on the Wuhan and Hubei. The history includes the festival, the attractive, the customs and the romance of the 3 kingdoms. After we done the report and we end the class, then we go eat at the canteen 3 and we walking to the canteen 2 to take photo for the pass of the school need. Then about 7.15pm we going to the staff club meeting teacher and we wait awhile the teacher not there. Then we call teacher ask what time meet at the staff club and he say about 7.45pm. Still early we go buy think at canteen 2 and then we go in the staff club. We register in and go see the around the place.

Today the Miss Anna Xie the teacher teaches us the history on the Wuhan and the Hubei. I thought she only teach Chinese but her English not bad. In china must be careful of our language there. Then the staff club we came is bad but it very good in the university have the facility here.

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