Sunday, March 15, 2009

DAY 12

I wake up about 5.45am and I saw that we reach the place to departure in there. Then I do the last check that I pack finish and I call my buddy to wake up too. About 7am, we eat finish and take our bag and left the cruise. We reach the station that is not where we arrive the station. I saw the name is peace station. Then the bus reaches the station and we take the bus back to our school at about 3pm. Then we go back to hostel and rest. Meeting at 9.30pm at teacher room for briefing tomorrow. At 6pm, we go outside eat and come back do our journal.

Evening time, we go out eat and one of my friends says that go see the pool. Then we discover the pool play outside without the shelter and the pool table about more than 12 in the row at the street. I was surprise that the pool put outside play and 1hour for 4 RMB.