Friday, March 20, 2009

DAY 17

Morning have APPG lab 4 and tutorial 4. At 1130am we go to the canteen 1 eat and I eat the noodles with meatball in the noodles. Then I go back to rest and at 1400 hours we go back to the class to continue doing the lab 4 part 2. After the class end, we go play basketball with other group people and other group winning the game. Then we go out to eat burger opposite the street have the mini stall there. Then we go back to hostel for the briefing for tomorrow to wake up at 6.45am on the main gate outside the school.

At the evening, we play finish the basketball and go out to eat. Then we go to the supermarket beside the mini stall there. I saw a lot of people dancing on the supermarket outside have dancing like the night club together. It looks very nice and it fun to join in the dance.

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