Wednesday, April 1, 2009

DAY 29

Morning wake up and I do the APPG to solve the solution of one of my friends but I cannot solve the problem and I maybe need to reference from other friends. When we reach the classroom and the lecture of the IS are the principal. He name called Philip An and he teach us the Chinese Traditional Thoughts on the PowerPoint. The Philip talk about the history of china, Confucianism Taoism, Chinese national spirit must has his 8 words, Buddhism and etc. After that class at 12pm, we go eat lunch at canteen 1 and we go back to hostel to coming our IS summary of today the Philip thought us. At afternoon time, we go to the classroom do our IS or the APPG lab 7 and I have let teacher mark the program. Now is the mini project final part and also have the theory test 2 to prepare for next week Tuesday. Afternoon class end, I go buy food at canteen 1 level 2 stall to eat the pork meat rice but I take back to hostel to eat and do my miniproject or IS.

I like the part is the Taoism of my religion and do know about my religion is where it come from. If you want to be a good guy must have his 8 words of the Chinese national spirit. That is “Loyalty and piety”, “Humaneness and love”, “Faithfulness and righteousness”, “Peace and harmony”. All his word must have in everyone body. If don’t have part of his Chinese national spirit and you will be a bad guy or petty.