Tuesday, April 7, 2009

DAY 35

Today morning at 7.30am, we are going to the Culture village to play adventure game. First game is to design the flag for our teams. We design like one of the person in our groups’ member the logo is the afro. Then second game is the tank wheel using paper to make the wheel sharp to over our own team member. Afternoon time, we going to have lunch at the canteen 2 with the MDE course student to our place to eat the food stall. Then we bring them to our hostel to see our environment of staying and they say we better than them. At 1pm, we going back to the culture village and do the rest of the game that there plan for us. First is the jump from 1.5m and tie the hand and feet with string. Below is our guy to support the guy fall down and we catch it. Then next game is the climbing to the ladder and jump over to another corner of the wood support. Lastly, is the rock climbing that is fun but not all can climb to the top of the wall. Only a few that climbing to the top and completed it. After the game, we take class photo together with MDE student and then we go to the back to see the lake or the playground of the older time building. This is all for today planning for us to play and the good news is the APPG theory test 2 cancel.

Today is the fun for us to play the adventure game because does let us know what friendship is and help each other on the game. Therefore, I will treasure the friendship of each other on the moment. Then at night, we are meeting at the teacher room for briefing on today the adventure game. Then we got one weekend do not go to the lu lin and there give us the gift to our school. We thought that never go the lu lin will not have anything to us but there send us the gift when we never go to the lu lin. The MDS do not have anything gift from them and we are so lucky to have the gift from them

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