Saturday, April 11, 2009

DAY 39

Today, I wake up and I feel my feet recover soon. Now I can walk a bit fast but I will be like handicap walking. When the cleaner came to our dormitory and our roommate tell me to take photo with her Then I today go out the other group member to the yellow crane tower shopping. We are going canteen 2 to eat and we going out to take minivan to the yellow crane tower. We have total of the 10 people going to the yellow crane tower shopping area. Then we part into 2 groups. 1 group take minivan and other group take taxi to the shopping area. Then we take the minivan to the yellow crane shopping area. Before we reach there and our van have accident on other car hit on the side of the van. Then our van driver going out to talk with him and our driver say we can go first. Let them settle the accident on the car hit to van. Then we from the accident area take taxi to the yellow crane shopping area. Then we go shop the area until 3pm and I have bought some clothing for myself. We eat before we going take taxi back to the school and it rain at 3pm. When we are reach school and we going back to hostel to rest. I also complete my straw of the star and only need a container to put the star. Then we going to buy the container to put star and we also go eat at outside food. After that we are going back to hostel rest.

Finally, I have buy shirt for myself and this few day because of my feet I cannot go out shopping. But I still have a bit pain only and hope tomorrow will recover to walk long hours.

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