Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Assessment 4: Individual Report

1. In Wuhan, I have to learn to take care of myself in different country because this is the first time I came to cool country in china. Now I will feel that how my parents take care of me on their feeling. On this trip I know about the china culture, industry and historical of visits. We also know the behaviour s of them, deep cultural different between us, traditional attitudes, interaction with them and language adaptation strategies in the china. I have achieved what I have learned from the trip and discover. It like need some time to find or communicate in different country of people and I also talk to them. In china is different on our country and they have large city in china. We like a dot in the city of china and we find out here need to do change on the road or street of litter. We walking anywhere in the city can see people litter on the floor and the litter is not small amount. It likes a mountain or water path size of litter and also the restroom has a strong smell on urine. On the trip, I have problem on reading the word in Chinese when I order the food and I think is good to eat. I have problem to tell them and I only can ask my friend how to read the word or some shop have menu and I can point the food to them. What I want to buy. 2. I have learned that china language speaking is fast and only their people can understand. Other than that also have the name of signboard, bus stop, book and ordering food menu all are Chinese word. Only a few areas are English or Chinese pinyin in the tour place. 3. The three question that I have to find out from Wuhan and I found it. That is the china people write or read Chinese word is very good and speaking smooth than us. On their training have long hours than us in Singapore and I saw them training not only one sports. It have a lot of sport of training there do like basketball, dance, volleyball, running and kungfu. It likes a superman or woman in them because in china male or female are the same. They need to work and survive by themselves. The second question is the china product. There selling like Nikon, Samsung and some other brand in Singapore have. The prices are the same from Singapore too but it not so good on the quality. I think buy from Singapore is the good choice but in china buy are cheaper than our country. Last question I want to find is the food on the china. It taste good but they put too much oil on the food like noodle or fried rice. In Singapore, they will not put too much oil on the food because the oil will make us fat. Overall the china and I feel that is still can change some more on the environment of the city. 4. I have improved on how to observe and behavior of the people on them. They very honest and helpful to us because we like come from other country to china. They will approach and talk to us and they are English is different from our English language. But we still know what they say to tell us when they speak a few times. They also bring us out to shop and visit the zoo in china. We think that they so nice to us and bring us around the city. I can see that they still developing the train like our country and also other part of the street are change on the market.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

DAY 42

I whole day never sleep because of leaving china with the people over here. At 8.30am, we going to check our baggage and see who got overweight for that. At 10.15am, Everyone waiting at the Hostel downstairs to leave his place and going to airport. Some of the local student over here are crying of our leaving. Then we leave the Wuhan university of science & technology zhongnan branch and travel to Wuhan airport by bus. When we at reach the airport and wait for the check-in counter at 13.15pm but we reach there around 12.10pm and we going to find food or shop over to past the time over there. After that, we going to the check-in our baggage and enter to the plane to fly to the Guangzhou. When we reach at Guangzhou and wait to check-in to Singapore. This time a bit hurries because for our flight is at 1845hr and we reach at the airport of Guangzhou is at 1730hrs. Then we enter the flight seat and left 5 person not yet enter the flight because they going to the wrong side of the flight. But they still make it to the flight over here and the flight reach Singapore. We are all going to the duty free shop to buy the alcohol. I buy the Dom, Tiger beer and the wine. It cost S$73.90. Then I go to take my baggage and going out the arriving hall before I going out and the police officer want to check my baggage. Then the check is done and I left the hall. Then I going back home.

I feel sad and happy because I finally can go back to Singapore but the sad part is that over here the food cheap and the local student helpful. It also takes care of us going out to shop. Some of other is crying when we left the school but we have some of their QQ number on my hand. We still can chat with them by QQ number.

Monday, April 13, 2009

DAY 41

Today is the last day to shop because we tomorrow will be back home sweet home and we today have the firework to display by tonight. At 9am, we have people come to your room to call my roommates to go shop and for me I want to rest to recover my feet on tonight or also tomorrow leaving. Lunch time we going to eat and go outside the school to shop. We also go take the firework outside the fish ball area and we bring back to hostel for tonight use. At 3pm, everyone will meet outside the school to take the last photo of his Wuhan University of Science & Technology Zhongnan branch. Then we go to the language school to do the close ceremony of his school on today. At 6.30pm, we prepare the firework and watch it over the school there. Then we go out to eat and I will be order the full chicken at the Q burger restaurant. After that we go back to hostel to pack our luggage for tomorrow bring back about 30kg only. If anybody overweight the luggage need to pay for your extra for that.

On the evening time we start the firework. The Singapore student and the china local student watch the last day together over the language school outside for the firework. We also buy or make something for them to remember us that we are very good to be here or they take us out to shop. This is our gift to them in the last day or last word to them in Wuhan University of Science & Technology Zhongnan branch. TO SAY GOODBYE TO THEM.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

DAY 40

Today, I and shaoming moving out from hostel very early at 6.40am. Meeting the local student going out to the yellow crane tower to shop and I buy the shirt and mp5 player from yellow crane and the IT mall. We are meeting them at the main gate of the school. We change 1 bus to reach the yellow crane area and still early. We walk to the first bridge of the Chang Jiang rear by the yellow crane. Then we stay at the bridge until about 9pm and we go shop over the yellow crane area. We shop until 2pm and we go take the bus to the IT mall to buy the MP5 player. But I can only afford less than 250 RMB of it. The local student help me to bargain for the MP5 player less than 250RMB and they make it for me at the price of 245 RMB. I buy it. Then we take bus back to the school to rest because today also raining.

I and shaoming going out with the local student and we have a lot of fun with them because the local student is 2 girls bring us out to yellow crane area. Then we shop boy cloth and girl cloth together. They are very friendly to us and bring us around the area to shop. They are good in bargain because they help me to bargain the MP5 player. At the end, we use the star straw to the two girls.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

DAY 39

Today, I wake up and I feel my feet recover soon. Now I can walk a bit fast but I will be like handicap walking. When the cleaner came to our dormitory and our roommate tell me to take photo with her Then I today go out the other group member to the yellow crane tower shopping. We are going canteen 2 to eat and we going out to take minivan to the yellow crane tower. We have total of the 10 people going to the yellow crane tower shopping area. Then we part into 2 groups. 1 group take minivan and other group take taxi to the shopping area. Then we take the minivan to the yellow crane shopping area. Before we reach there and our van have accident on other car hit on the side of the van. Then our van driver going out to talk with him and our driver say we can go first. Let them settle the accident on the car hit to van. Then we from the accident area take taxi to the yellow crane shopping area. Then we go shop the area until 3pm and I have bought some clothing for myself. We eat before we going take taxi back to the school and it rain at 3pm. When we are reach school and we going back to hostel to rest. I also complete my straw of the star and only need a container to put the star. Then we going to buy the container to put star and we also go eat at outside food. After that we are going back to hostel rest.

Finally, I have buy shirt for myself and this few day because of my feet I cannot go out shopping. But I still have a bit pain only and hope tomorrow will recover to walk long hours.

Friday, April 10, 2009

DAY 38

Today, I also the same stay at room rest for my feet to recover the whole day but today I feel my feet better a bit. Now I am walking a bit fast than yesterday walking when I go out to eat. When I stay at the room and I cannot do anything only can do is to rest or do star straw. Now I make about 50 star and still got 30 more need to make. At evening time, we going outside to eat at the street market to buy the Korean bread and chicken meat stick.

I hope my feet will recover tomorrow if not I hard to buy something back home. Today, I still stay at the room to wait for my feet to recover and watch movie the whole day but I feeling better on my feet. The swollen part become smaller and also the pain part have a bit more to recover on it.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

DAY 37

Morning at 8.30am, I wake up look at my laptop and see something msn me to ask about the APPG miniproject. Then I told him to come to my room and I see the problem of his program. His problem is the radio button and calculates of the total cost. I have solved for him. Now my feet still pain and still the same of the pain on my feet. Then I eat panadol to relieve the pain on my feet and also hope no fever. Then my roommate buy food for me because he know about my feet problem and he buy for me the noodle soup with fried egg on top of the noodles. The housekeeper comes to our room to change bed sheet and they go to other room to change bed sheet too. Now I doing the IS report on the last part of the OIE and I also do the star straw for the local student. Then we going out to the street market to eat and then I go to the pharmacy to buy the feet pain plaster. After buy the plaster for the feet and I go back to the hostel to rest.

I today cannot go anywhere because of my feet swollen very big and until I cannot walk or stand. Evening time I go to the pharmacy buy the plaster for the feet pain. I hope that tomorrow can be recovered on my feet.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

DAY 36

Morning at 8 am, I feel my feet very pain because of yesterday playing adventure game and jumping up or down. Now my feet sore when I walking I feel pain on it. I will be walking like uncle now. Today, I have interview for my APPG miniproject when I introduction to the teacher of my project. Then we go to the canteen 4 to eat our lunch and we go to canteen 3 to buy DVD movie back to hostel to see. We whole afternoon watch movie until 7pm and we go to eat outside or canteen 2 to eat. Then i will be back to hostel to rest my feet.

Today the miniproject interview we only show what we do and explain how to use the function of my project. I thought that is to tell everything you know on the chapter 1 to 7 but only show our project. The interview is fast and I only show the program of my project in less than 10 min the interview end.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

DAY 35

Today morning at 7.30am, we are going to the Culture village to play adventure game. First game is to design the flag for our teams. We design like one of the person in our groups’ member the logo is the afro. Then second game is the tank wheel using paper to make the wheel sharp to over our own team member. Afternoon time, we going to have lunch at the canteen 2 with the MDE course student to our place to eat the food stall. Then we bring them to our hostel to see our environment of staying and they say we better than them. At 1pm, we going back to the culture village and do the rest of the game that there plan for us. First is the jump from 1.5m and tie the hand and feet with string. Below is our guy to support the guy fall down and we catch it. Then next game is the climbing to the ladder and jump over to another corner of the wood support. Lastly, is the rock climbing that is fun but not all can climb to the top of the wall. Only a few that climbing to the top and completed it. After the game, we take class photo together with MDE student and then we go to the back to see the lake or the playground of the older time building. This is all for today planning for us to play and the good news is the APPG theory test 2 cancel.

Today is the fun for us to play the adventure game because does let us know what friendship is and help each other on the game. Therefore, I will treasure the friendship of each other on the moment. Then at night, we are meeting at the teacher room for briefing on today the adventure game. Then we got one weekend do not go to the lu lin and there give us the gift to our school. We thought that never go the lu lin will not have anything to us but there send us the gift when we never go to the lu lin. The MDS do not have anything gift from them and we are so lucky to have the gift from them

Monday, April 6, 2009

DAY 34

Today morning at 8.30am. We going to the classroom at the language school to see teacher for the IS module. Then we go to eat at the morning breakfast at the canteen 3. After that, we are going to the classroom for APPG lesson until 12pm for doing extra lesson. Afternoon time, we going with teacher to canteen 2 to eat the fried rice but we order different type of fried rice. Before that I use the teacher hand phone to call back to Singapore to my parents. Then I and my friends going to the spectacle shop to buy transistion spectacle but for his degree is high and maybe cannot make the transistion for them. After checked the eye and we going to classroom for the APPG at the afternoon want. But we still continue for the same topic of the chapter 5 to 7. At 5pm, the class end and we going to the canteen 3 to food. After that we are going a shortcut to reach the hostel on climbing mountain and it takes about 5 to 10 min to reach our hostel. It look nice and beautiful scene on top of the mountain. At 7, I and my friends going to the spectacle shop. I pass my spectacle to the shop owner to change for me the lenses to the transition. Then we go back to the hostel do mini project and study APPG test 2.

Today, we walk on the shortcut at the canteen 3 sides and rear the hostel beside walk up have a path to the mountain top. It beautiful up there and can see all the scene of the school building. But when go down is very dangerous if you fall down and you will be cut. All the way, everyone is okay and safety reaches our hostel there.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

DAY 33

Today is our free time to study or rest time in the school. Because today is Sunday, we do not have class on end to study but our test on the APPG is coming soon on the Wednesday of the 8 April. We have not prepared of the coming test and also have not read anything yet. We are going to canteen 2 to eat the lunch and we going out to buy the cough medicine on the shop below the street of the night market. Then the seller takes of us the medicine to drink and also the pack for drink with hot water. Together cost me 17 RMB and is very cheap than Singapore medicine for the cough but I not sure is it cure for my cough. Then I also buy shirt to wear and it red Nike shirt. It cost 30 RMB. After that we going back to hostel rest or read the APPG chapter 5 to 7. Evening time, we will be going to canteen 2 or the night market to eat the food for the dinner and one of my friends order the cake. Today, he will go take the cake from the shop that he order for his mother celebrates on tonight the webcam using laptop. He orders the cake size of 16 inch and it cost about 153 RMB.

Today we have free time and I decide to study but I don’t have the book because I lend my book to other student for the extra lesson for them and forgot to take back my book. Then we whole day doing the APPG mini project for the final touches up. At afternoon time, one of my friends called Ernest and he buy cake for his mother. At night, we will celebrate and eat the cake at the Ernest room outside to eat.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

DAY 32

Today we will going to Zoo see the panda and we meet with the local student bring us to the zoo. Before we going out on the hostel and it still are raining on the way that we going to the canteen 2. Then we wait at the canteen 2 and have breakfast with them before we going to the zoo. After breakfast, we are going to take bus and it still raining on the way to the bus stop. The bus number that we take is 907 and we will change other bus number 413 to the Zoo bus stop. When we reach the zoo outside the gate and we buy ticket to enter to see the panda. The ticket only cost 20 RMB. We reach inside the area and that is bigger than our Singapore zoo. The place is beautiful scene with lake in the zoo but it raining on the way to see the area of the Zoo. We inside walking to see the plant, tiger, crane, snake, bear and the focus is the panda on the zoo. After the zoo end and we go out take photo before we going to eat on the WuLuo road there. Then we reach there and we go to the shopping food restaurant below to eat steamboats. We take a lot of food to eat and we have fun eating with them. After that, we go to the arcade to play and play about 1 hour on there playing the game. About 8.30pm, we going to take bus back to the school and we say goodbye to them. We also say next week go out with the last time.

The zoo in the china that I visit on the animals is different from our Singapore zoo animals because in the Singapore zoo that we cannot feed the animals but on china zoo we can feed them. Some of the animals, we will not have in Singapore like crane, Mao Niu, panda and etc. The panda is their China's national emblem of it. Then we have a lot of fun on the zoo and also the arcade area on the shopping centre that we do not know the name.

Friday, April 3, 2009

DAY 31

Tonight morning we go to the class and prepare for the APPG trial theory test 2 but the teacher will go through the theory test 1 answer first. Then we take a look for the test 1 paper and my result is not so good but I still accept the mark that I have it. After the class, we go eat at the canteen 1 level 2 and I order the rice with tofu. Then we go back to hostel to rest and today afternoon have no class for us because teacher will going to out for tour about 2 to 3 day rear the Beijing side. Mean that we 2 to 3 day are free to go anywhere we like but also we need to study for the theory test 2 for last test. Evening time I will go to the spectacle shop to make want for myself and I think my degree have a bit high. Then we go out to eat for dinner at the street stall.

Today we must study hard on our APPG theory test 2 because the percentage is high than theory test 1. I have problem on the chapter 5 to 7 because the code look like same for the computer programmed but is different. His few days I will try to understand it if not I will ask teacher or student on the chapters that know. After dinner, I going to the spectacle shop to make one spectacle to bring home can change it and is cheaper than Singapore shop selling spectacle. It cost me 269 RMB if Singapore make and it cost S$100 or more. Then I buy from china better than Singapore spectacle shop.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

DAY 30

Morning I try to complete the APPG miniproject for my login in part and display. But I still cannot complete and go to class for the IS lesson of yesterday the Chinese traditional thoughts. Today talk about the Taoism, the Wudang Shan and “Tao” the word meaning. Some of word is come from the Tao and that are road, direction, train wheel and etc. In Chinese word it have Tao the word mean different thing and come from the Taoism. The Taoism have his own temple called Wudang Shan and one of the film take for there. There is the crouching tiger, hidden dragon and the Zhang Sanfeng is in the Wudang Shan before in last. The dean lecture also tells ask the Buddhism sakyamuni and his Buddhist is the first become the god. After the class, we go eat and also go back to hostel. On the afternoon, we will have the IS of the Chinese fengshui. I like is this topic because it have a lot of meaningful on your house and your surround will cast you problem on your health. It also has the married for girl prepare before the bride ceremony. After IS end, we go out eat for the stall outside and also I have to buy clothes on rear by the food stall.

Today the Christopher lecture speak a good English like Singapore speak. Do not have the china speak language. This is the classroom using the earpieces for teaching and controls other if got any question. It will show on the lecture screen for their local University teaching style. One of the video shows the men go to the bride house to pick up her. Before enter the house of the bride need to go through the cousin of the bride side of ladies and need to prepare for a lot of thing to enter to the house of the bride. On the show, the men need to find coin, dollar of each different type of money and there go to find the outside people or the neighborhood to us for the money type the men need to find. When they find all the type of money and go to the bride to pick her. But it not over and still has some question for the men to answer. Lastly, all this question done and he can enter to see the bride. It the happy for the men and the bride.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

DAY 29

Morning wake up and I do the APPG to solve the solution of one of my friends but I cannot solve the problem and I maybe need to reference from other friends. When we reach the classroom and the lecture of the IS are the principal. He name called Philip An and he teach us the Chinese Traditional Thoughts on the PowerPoint. The Philip talk about the history of china, Confucianism Taoism, Chinese national spirit must has his 8 words, Buddhism and etc. After that class at 12pm, we go eat lunch at canteen 1 and we go back to hostel to coming our IS summary of today the Philip thought us. At afternoon time, we go to the classroom do our IS or the APPG lab 7 and I have let teacher mark the program. Now is the mini project final part and also have the theory test 2 to prepare for next week Tuesday. Afternoon class end, I go buy food at canteen 1 level 2 stall to eat the pork meat rice but I take back to hostel to eat and do my miniproject or IS.

I like the part is the Taoism of my religion and do know about my religion is where it come from. If you want to be a good guy must have his 8 words of the Chinese national spirit. That is “Loyalty and piety”, “Humaneness and love”, “Faithfulness and righteousness”, “Peace and harmony”. All his word must have in everyone body. If don’t have part of his Chinese national spirit and you will be a bad guy or petty.